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Door Striker (variety of colors)

Used to reinforce drive-in style deadbolts by supporting the outer edge of the bolt collar and can be used to allow existing older style bolts with an outer flange to be replaced by drive-in bolts.  Helps repair and align previously damaged bolt tunnels in kicked-in doors in homes and businesses.  Helps to distribute force to the BOLT BUDDY and the door frame.


Jamb  Striker (variety of colors)

Used to replace new or existing strikers for added reinforcement.  Many existing door frames have had their original strikers moved a number of times because of misalignment with the existing bolt.  Over time this usually leaves a number of chisel marks on the frame.  The installation of the STRIKER will help cover these marks and will match your BOLT BUDDY in color and length.  High security screws are also included that match the bolts of the BOLT BUDDY.  The plates are designed to allow for bolts from the BOLT BUDDY to pass the screws of the strike without interference.  The STRIKER helps to distribute force to the BOLT BUDDY and wall framing.  Many frames can be salvaged after a break-in by using glue, a BOLT BUDDY and a STRIKER.


Both Door and Jamb Strikers also help to keep doors and jambs square and distribute pressure from prying or jacking to the framing members.  The screw holes in the plate are not countersunk (which leaves a knife edge that will allow the screw heads to tear out of the holes) but are "stretched" to supply a greater surface area of plate against the screw head.  the extended holes also allow for a better grip on the surface of both the door and jamb.  High security 1/4" diameter screws are supplied in each set to match the color and style of your BOLT BUDDY.
